These are some rejected videos that I absolutely adore!In courtesy of Don Hertzfedlt.

Ninja Glarewhich I absolutely love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In courtesy of ninjahija  -whom are the people's youtube names who created this-

How to be ninja, gangsta, and nerd are all made by the same people-including the ninja glare!-

Fred.  He is hilarious!In courtesy of Lucas -his real name-These are just the three I really like.
1). Fred goes swimming.
2). Fred loses his meds.
3). Fred saves the neighborhood squirrels.

      Here is Adam Lambert.    An American Idol contestant.         

                             Track of tears:

Adam Lambert--black or white.

Saved the best for last:

Adam Lambert--mad world.

   These are a few of a sleepwalking dog that also barks while sleeping!!!!!!  His name is Bizkit!

                                                       He talks!!!


    Maximum Ride is a really good book.  It's a series of 5 books and all so great.  You can check out a good look at some Maximum ride fans if you go to the website:  and there is a story that 'Dannyelle' and 'Krystal' have been writing. It's quite interesting.  I said 'Dannyelle' and 'Krystal' with the   '   things, because I don't know who they are or if that's their real name.
    The twilight saga is what I'm reading now.  It as you SHOULD know is popular.  I'm on the last book and it goes in more point of views than Bella's.  It also goes in Jacobs point of view, too!  
    The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod is about a half vampire half human boy who has to survive in middle high and high school. Falling in love, break ups, friends, secrets, and many more interesting things.


Or the cover might be:




I'm really bored so I feel like making this blog.
       I have a dog named Maggie she is an Australian Shepard/Border collie.  She is what you call a 'blue mural'(Murr-ell).  She is really cute and I love her so much(1st dog)!  She loves to play fetch with a tennis ball.
       I use to have a 'tuxedo' cat named socks(which i might put a picture of her).  She was 19 years old when we had to put her down because of a major bladder infection with a name I don't remember..  (1st cat) She used to like to hide underneath beds...                         


       Hi, and welcome to my blog.  I'm the one who loves pigs, as you should know by now.  Oh, and by the way we don't only go over-bored on monkeys and pigs; if you send us(yes US) an email(from the email address on the Home page) about what you would like to see on our website; we will add it.



Thanks to  M's  friend Helene for this REALLY nice picture of a cute pig with wings.