These are some rejected videos that I absolutely adore!In courtesy of Don Hertzfedlt.

Ninja Glarewhich I absolutely love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In courtesy of ninjahija  -whom are the people's youtube names who created this-

How to be ninja, gangsta, and nerd are all made by the same people-including the ninja glare!-

Fred.  He is hilarious!In courtesy of Lucas -his real name-These are just the three I really like.
1). Fred goes swimming.
2). Fred loses his meds.
3). Fred saves the neighborhood squirrels.

      Here is Adam Lambert.    An American Idol contestant.         

                             Track of tears:

Adam Lambert--black or white.

Saved the best for last:

Adam Lambert--mad world.

   These are a few of a sleepwalking dog that also barks while sleeping!!!!!!  His name is Bizkit!

                                                       He talks!!!

4/9/2009 07:49:25 am

HAHA! the rejected ones aare funny even though there isnt much talking. NINJA GLARE is hilarious! I luved fred to begin with sooo.


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